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Italian versionIt

English versionEn
Indice delle schede di Italiano
Palabras encontradas:
ociar = laze ... INFINITIVO Presente 1 pers. sing.
(Detalles abajo)
Conjugación de: , ocié, ociado
intransitivo - attiva
Yo ocío
Tu ocías
El/Ella/Eso ocía
Nosotros ociamos
Vosotros ociáis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos ocían
I laze
You laze
He/She/It lazes
We laze
You laze
They laze
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo ociaba
Tu ociabas
El/Ella/Eso ociaba
Nosotros ociabamos
Vosotros ociabais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos ociaban
I was lazing
You were lazing
He/She/It was lazing
We were lazing
You were lazing
They were lazing
Pretérito perfecto
Yo ocié
Tu ociaste
El/Ella/Eso oció
Nosotros ociamos
Vosotros ociasteis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos ociaron
I lazed
You lazed
He/She/It lazed
We lazed
You lazed
They lazed
Pretérito perfecto
Yo he ociado
Tu has ociado
El/Ella/Eso ha ociado
Nosotros hemos ociado
Vosotros habéis ociado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos han ociado
I have lazed
You have lazed
He/She/It has lazed
We have lazed
You have lazed
They have lazed
Pretérito plusquamperfecto
Yo había ociado
Tu habías ociado
El/Ella/Eso había ociado
Nosotros habíamos ociado
Vosotros habíais ociado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habían ociado
I had lazed
You had lazed
He/She/It had lazed
We had lazed
You had lazed
They had lazed
Pretérito anterior
Yo hube ociado
Tu hubiste ociado
El/Ella/Eso hubo ociado
Nosotros hubimos ociado
Vosotros hubisteis ociado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron ociado
I had lazed
You had lazed
He/She/It had lazed
We had lazed
You had lazed
They had lazed
Futuro imperfecto
Yo ociaré
Tu ociaras
El/Ella/Eso ociará
Nosotros ociaremos
Vosotros ociareis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos ociarán
I will laze
You will laze
He/She/It will laze
We will laze
You will laze
They will laze
Futuro anterior
Yo habré ociado
Tu habrás ociado
El/Ella/Eso habrá ociado
Nosotros habremos ociado
Vosotros habréis ociado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrán ociado
I will have lazed
You will have lazed
He/She/It will have lazed
We will have lazed
You will have lazed
They will have lazed
Yo ocíe
Tu ocíes
El/Ella/Eso ocíe
Nosotros ociemos
Vosotros ociéis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos ocíen
I (that )may laze
You (that )may laze
He/She/It (that )may laze
We (that )may laze
You (that )may laze
They (that )may laze
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo ociara
Tu ociaras
El/Ella/Eso ociara
Nosotros ociáramos
Vosotros ociarais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos ociaran
I (that )might laze
You (that )might laze
He/She/It (that )might laze
We (that )might laze
You (that )might laze
They (that )might laze
Pretérito perfecto
Yo haya ociado
Tu hayas ociado
El/Ella/Eso haya ociado
Nosotros hayamos ociado
Vosotros hayáis ociado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan ociado
I (whether) lazed
You (whether) lazed
He/She/It (whether) lazed
We (whether) lazed
You (whether) lazed
They (whether) lazed
Yo hubiera ociado
Tu hubieras ociado
El/Ella/Eso hubiera ociado
Nosotros hubiéramos ociado
Vosotros hubierais ociado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieran ociado
I (whether) had lazed
You (whether) had lazed
He/She/It (whether) had lazed
We (whether) had lazed
You (whether) had lazed
They (whether) had lazed
Yo ociaría
Tu ociarías
El/Ella/Eso ociaría
Nosotros ociaríamos
Vosotros ociaríais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos ociarían
I would laze
You would laze
He/She/It would laze
We would laze
You would laze
They would laze
Yo habría ociado
Tu habrías ociado
El/Ella/Eso habría ociado
Nosotros habríamos ociado
Vosotros habríais ociado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrían ociado
I would have lazed
You would have lazed
He/She/It would have lazed
We would have lazed
You would have lazed
They would have lazed
Yo -
Tu ocia
El/Ella/Eso ocie
Nosotros ociemos
Vosotros ociad
Ellos/Ellas/Esos ocien
let me laze
let him laze
let us laze
let them laze
que ocía
Pretérito perfecto
Pretérito perfecto
haber ociado
have lazed
Pretérito perfecto
habiendo ociado
having lazed

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